
Horizons of achievement

In August 2020, drilling of a horizontal section with a length of 1500.0 m was completed at the Sredne-Nazymskoye field using MWD LHE630N telemetry equipment.

The MWD consisted of the following modules:

Horizons of achievement

1- Fishing tip; 2- Centralizer; 3- Battery module; 4- Gamma-ray logging module; 5- Inclinometer module; 6- Battery module; 7- Pulse generator module.


Well parameters


Measured wellbore depth from the wellhead to the entry point into the reservoir, m


Absolute wellbore elevation to the entry point into the reservoir, m


Length of the horizontal section, m


Bottom hole temperature, °С


Downhole pressure, MPa


Drilling mud type

Carbon based solution

The size bit, мм



The horizontal section was drilled for 12 days. The uninterrupted operation of the MWD complex was ensured by two battery modules, which made it possible to drill a horizontal section in one run (without an intermediate lift to replace batteries).